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Grade 6


  • Students will respect the teacher and fellow classmates.
  • Students will respect and use with care all school property.
  • Students will follow all safety rules.
  • Students will be responsible for completing homework and other assignments.
  • Students will come to class prepared and ready to learn.
  • Students will ask questions and seek help when it is needed.
  • Students will avoid using phrases such as, “I don’t know” or “I can’t”.



  • When assignments are not completed it makes it difficult to fully assess a student’s learning.  
  • All work is expected to be submitted on time, or following the CCPS absence guidelines.


  • Please check Edmodo for homework assignments.
  • Usernames and passwords for have been sent home with students.


  • When absences occur “make-up” work will be given when you return to school.  
  • Please check Edmodo for homework assignments.

Phys Ed Website


Attention Parents and Guardians of 6th grade students:

All students who will be 7th graders next school year must provide the school with proof of having received both the Meningococcal and Tdap vaccines prior to the first day of school. 

On Wednesday, March 18, 2020  we will be offering a free clinic for your child to receive the required immunizations as well as the optional HPV vaccine.

Please read the attached letter and sign your student up online using your phone.  If you are unable to complete the online consent please print and complete the paper copy.  Please contact our school nurse if you would like a  paper copy sent home with your student.

Thank you!



